Serving is most important and most countable factor in each sector of the world than the availability of the services in that area.Servant does not serve the your guest while you has provided him all item of the dinner for your upcoming dears all the efforts and thins you has brought from the market are useless.Government launch hundred services and departments in a country, as we are doing in Pakistan, of the with thousand of the man and equipment power but servant or the soldiers are not capable or not sincere with their profession than all departments,equipment,powers and resources are in vain.
Man recognize from his work or his company which he keeps ,it is famous saying because capability is more important then the availability of resources.if we are capable than we create the availability of things,goods and resources but if are sincere .
In 1942 during the world war 2 it had realized by the world lack of an organization for training of common public specially youth of the areas for relief,rescue,defense and personal safety of public and during the war or attack of the enemy.Few decades in past we could see there were fought in open fields between two armies where victory or defeat depended upon the strength or weakness of an an army .Civil defense had to trained the scouts for air raid precaution,how run a gun or riffle training,first aid training and organisation of volunteers.Now due to modern inventions of science war does not remain limited to the front and civil defense is stepping according to every step .
In this time, war does not depend upon the extra weapons,man power because it is war of minds .It is famous in these days that no one should understand that they are our enemy or we are their enemy because it is war behind the friendship or neighborhood . Under minds games is on head some time in shape of loans,limitations,affiliation,changes in books literature,uneven education,in side country clashes ,religious differences,restriction in construction of dams even i have listen there is technology that can move clouds from one place to an other ,you can say artificial rain.Any way these are the invention of man for their own deaths and survival.One day armies of different countries will become useless as the world is going on in inventions except to control the inner side security of the country and to maintain the law and order situation in side the country .i dont know what a new department will take birth with new objective.
10 Years later , an emergency departments took birth in 2004 and today we can feel its dire need , an emergency department with fully train paramedical staff with all modern accessories and equipment for rescue,relief,preparedness and prevention of the emergencies.…ad-of-services.html
Punjab emergency service rescue 1122 is the name of this emergency service which is just like the school baby as it is 10 years old but its responsibilities are increasing gradually .Rescue 1122 is performing following duties not only in Punjab Pakistan but also in khebr pakhtun khawa an other province of Pakistan.
- Quick response in all type of road traffic accidents with minimum response time of less than seven mints.
- Serious medical emergencies such as heart attack,fever,delivery,sever headache and abdominal pain.
- Fire case
- Building collapse
- Bomb blast
- Drowning cases of human and animal .Search for the drown body.
- Establishment of community emergency response team.
- Community mobilization for the the prevention of emergencies.
- Duties at all places where there is mass gathering.
- Basic life support training for the communities.
- Celebration of all national,international and Islamic days.
- Evacuation drills,mock exercises and lock down drill in kind of blind fire,earthquake,fire and flood .
Five year back from today there is an other departments with name of NATIONAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY,APUNJAB,SIND,BLOCHITAN AND KPK management authority and an other is under pipe QUICK RESPONSE FORCE FOR DISASTER.It not good to increase the numbers of the departments while governments should have to increase the capabilities of the departments.It is not the solution of the the natural and unnatural incidents,disasters and accidents.It is not only wasting of time and resources because now put a glance in civil defense offices we will look dogs and cats under the punchers and without Tyre vehicles.If we meet district officer of Punjab emergency service rescue 1122 they claim that we have modern equipment for medical and road traffic accidents but in case lifting of huge weight or whole concert block or complete roof or its blocks we have to beg helping hands from army or others departments while they are also waiting for new vehicles.In some of the districts vehicles condition is getting worse day by due to over ageing of them some has crossed 400000 km in attending different type of emergencies .…ad-of-services.html
Punjab disaster managements authority is just an authority without man power while they manage the disaster,try to provide the resources to concerns departments but their most of the work is documentation , official record preparation and briefing to different inner and outer agencies and departments.They are generate funds through donation,funding and from the national and provincial budget .A little one can be seen in operational areas during an emergency,disaster and mishap.Same is in national disaster managements authority.
During the last flood day i met an officer from above said departments he was inspecting the rescue and relief activities in flood effected areas while he was from the education core.Sorry to say what would he inspect and what would he ask from us and other operational departments?just came there for 30 mints ,made chat with different focal person,captured the pictures and said bye bye to all effected with promises.
Man recognize from his work or his company which he keeps ,it is famous saying because capability is more important then the availability.if we have capability than we make the availability of things,good and resources but absence of sincerity spoil all the and every things that has reached to serve.
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