Suicide-A rising trend
Allah says in Holy
Quran in (Nisa: 5:29, 5:30) about suicide that, “don’t kill yourself. No doubt
Allah (swt) is merciful and anyone who does so will be pushed in fire. And it
is easy for Allah (swt).
Without coming to
this world and without dying can’t go to paradise. We can’t dream to go to
final destination without tasting death. So we have to die whether we like it
or not death is truth (Haqq)... It is passage to paradise therefore it is
important that we remember the death and prepare for it.
Suicide (Latin
suicidium, from Sui caedere, “to kill one self”) is the act of a human being
intentionally causing his or her own death. Suicide is often committed out of
despair, or attributed some underline mental disorder which includes
depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and alcoholism and drug abuse.
Pressures or misfortune such as financial difficulties or troubles with inter
personal relationship may play significant role.
The world health
organization estimates that it is the thirteen-leading cause of death
worldwide. It is leading cause of death among teen ager and adult under 35. The
rate of suicide is higher in man than in women. There are an estimated 10 to 20
million non fetal attempt suicide every year worldwide.
Due on suicide have
been influenced by brooder cultural view on existential themes such as
religion, owner and the meaning of life. The Abraham religion considers suicide
an offense to world God due to religious believe in the sanctity of life. In
the west it was often regarded as a serious crime. In the 20th century suicide in
form of self-immolation has been used as form of protest and in the form of
kamikaze and suicide bombing as a military or terrorist tactic Sati is Hindu
funeral practice in which the widow would immolate herself on her husband’s
funeral pyre, either willingly or under pressure from the family and in-laws.
Self sacrifice for
others is not always considered suicide, as the goal is not to kill one self
but to safe other; however, Emile Durkheim’s theory termed such acts
“altruistic suicide”
The religion of Islam
is based upon intentions, as we are judged according to our intentions. A good
deed is not accepted by Allah if we intentions other than doing it for the sake
of Allah, or if is not in accordance with Quran and Sunnah… Following are three
verses in sequence:-
Ruling of Scholar of Today’s Times: on a
suicide is that a person who has killed himself should be washed, prayed over
and buried with the Muslims, because he is a sinner but he is not a Kaafir,
Killing one-self is a sin but it is not Kufr. If he killed himself-we seek
refuge with Allah – he should be washed, shrouded and prayed over, but the
Khaleefah and important people should not pray for him, by way of rebuke, lest
anyone think that they approve of what he did. If the Khaleefah, ruler, judges,
president or mayor do not pray over him in order to denounce this action and
announce that it is wrong, then this good, but some of the Muslims should still
offer the (funeral) prayer for him.
Kitaab Majmoo’ Fataawa wa Maqaalaat
Mutanawwi’ah li Sammahat al-Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn ‘Abd-Allah ibn BAaz (may
Allah have mercy on him) – vol. 13, p.112
laws against suicide and mercy killing have developed from religious doctrine,
for example, the claim that only God has the right to determine when a person
will die. The person who had committed suicide (without the approval of the
state) was denied the honors of a normal burial. The person would be buried
alone, on the outskirts of the city, without a headstone or marker. A criminal
ordinance issued by Louis XIV in 1670 was far more severs in its punishment:
the dead person’s body was drawn through the streets, face down and then hung
or thrown on a garbage heap. Additionally, all of the person’s property was
confiscated. By contrast, soldiers who had been defeated were expected to
commit suicide in Ancient Rome and Japan. Even in modern times, legal penalties
for committing suicide and homicide, through suicide still resulted in
forfeiture of estate. Also, the deceased were permitted daylight burial in
many jurisdictions it is a crime to assist other, directly or indirectly, in
taking their own live. In some jurisdictions, it is also illegal to encourage
them to do so. Sometimes an exception applies for physician assisted suicide
(PAS), under strict conditions. Let’s see laws of different countries concerned
with suicide:-
Pakistan penal court
PPC Act 325 defines that survivor of the suicide attempt may have one year
simple imprisonment or fine or both. PPC has Act 107-10 for the assistance of
suicide; it has the punishment of same as that of suicide i.e. 302/109 if
suicide dies and 325/109 if he survives. So it means giving assistance or even
provoking a person to commit suicide is as doing a homicide. If person has
committed mass suicide or suicidal attack and survived then he will be
additionally charged for homicidal charges as well the charges of attempted
States Law:
various states listed the act of suicide as a felony, but these policies were
sparsely enforced. In the late 1980s, thirty of the fifty states had no laws
against suicide or suicide attempts but every state had laws declaring it to be
felony to aid, advice or encourage as a crime, and these have since removed
that classification. In some U.S states, suicide is still considered an
unwritten “common_law_crime.” As stated in Blackstone’s Commentaries. (So held
the Virginia Supreme Court in Walckwitz V.Roy in 1992.) As a common law crime,
suicide can bar recovery for the late suicidal person’s family in a lawsuit
unless the suicidal person can be proven to have been “of unsound mind.” That
is, the suicide must be proven to have been an involuntary to act of the victim
in order for the family to be awarded monetary damages by the court. This can
occur when the family of the deceased sues care giver (perhaps a jail or
hospital) for negligence in failing to provide appropriate care. Some American
legal scholar looks at the issue as one of personal liberty. According to
Nadine Strossen, former president of ACLU, “the idea of Govt. making
determination about how you and your life, forcing you…could be considered
cruel and unusual punishment in certain circumstances and justice Stevens in a
very interesting opinion in a right-to-die raised analogy.”
suicide is legal in some state. For the terminally ill, it is legal in the
state of Oregon under the Oregon Death with Dignity Act. In Washington State,
it became legal in 2009, when a law modeled after the Oregon act, the
Washington Death with Dignity Act was passed. A patient must be diagnosed as
having less than six by two different doctors, then wait 15 days and make the
request again. A doctor may prescribe a lethal dose but may not administer it.
In many jurisdictions, medical facilities are empowered or required to commit
any one whom they believe to be suicide for evaluation and treatment.
the Australian state of Victoria, while suicide itself is no longer a crime, a
survivor of a suicide pact can be charged with manslaughter, Also, it is a
crime to counsel, incite, or aid and abet another in attempting to commit
suicide, and the law explicitly allows any person to use “such force as may
reasonably be necessary” to prevent another from committing suicide.
& Wales Law:
against suicide (and attempted suicide) prevailed in English common law until
1961, English law perceived suicide as an immoral, criminal offense against God
and also against the King. Suicide ceased to be a legal offense with the
passing of the Suicide Act 1961; the same Act makes it an offense to assist in
a suicide.
India, attempted suicide is an offence punishable under section 309 of the
Indian Penal Code. Section 309 reads thus: Attempt to commit suicide. “Whoever
attempts to commit suicide and does any act towards the commission of such
offence shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend
to one year or with fine, or with both.”
suicide is not a criminal offence in Ireland, and under Irish law self- harm is
not generally seen as a form of attempted suicide. Assisted suicide and
euthanasia are, however, illegal.
the Netherlands, being present and giving moral support during someone’s
suicide is not a crime; neither is supplying general information on suicide
techniques. However, it is a crime to participate in the preparation for or
execution of a suicide, including supplying lethal means or instruction in
their use. (Physician-assisted suicide may be an exception.)
Federation Law:
Russia, inciting someone to suicide by threats, cruel treatment, or systematic
humiliation is punishable by up to 5 year in prison. (Article 110 of the
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
There was no
legislation on this topic in England and Wales until 1961 when the Suicide Act
was passed. Contemporarily, suicide is not and offence under Scots Law.
However, the offense of attempting suicide is a Breach of the peace. A person
who assists a suicide might be charged with murder, culpable homicide, or no
offense depending upon the facts of each case.
In Singapore, a
person who attempts to commit suicide can be imprisoned for up to one year.
Suicide is thirteenth
leading cause of death worldwide with about a million people dying by suicide
annually. According to 2007 data, suicide in US out number homicides by nearly
2 to 1 and ranks as 11 leading cause of death in the country, ahead of liver decease
and Parkinson’s. World Wide suicide rate has increase by 60% in the past 50
year, mainly in developing country.
& Age:
Man commits suicide
far more frequently than women. In the western world, males died much more
often by means of suicide then do female, although female attempt suicide more
often. Some medical professional believe stems from the fact that males are
more likely to end their lives through active violent means, while women
primary useless severe methods such as overdosing on medication.
In general, the
suicide rate increases with age, with a major significant spike in adolescents
and young adults. In recent decades, a dramatically higher number of adolescent
suicides have occurred. The 2007 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance has shown
that 6.9% of high school students had attempted suicide in the year prior to
the survey. With increasing age, a critical relationship emerges between
suicide and increasing age. Geriatric suicide is extremely prevalent. People
older than 65 years have the highest rate of suicide. In 2004, the incidence of
suicide in those aged 65 years and older was 14.3 for every 100,000 people.
That age group also maintains an alarming connection with murder-suicides.
National suicide
rates differ significantly between countries and amongst ethnic group within
countries. For example in the US non Hispanic Caucasians are nearly 2.5 times
more likely to kill themselves then African, American or Hispanic. In the
United Kingdom suicide rates vary significantly between different parts of
country. In Scotland, for example the suicide rate is approximately double that
of England.
The predominant view
of modern medicine is that suicide is a mental health concern, associated with
psychological factor such as difficulties of copying with depression,
inescapable suffering or fear, or other mental disorder and pressure. A suicide
attempt is sometimes interrupted as a “cry for help”, or to express despair and
the wish to escape, rather than a genuine intent to die. Most people who
attempt suicide do not complete suicide on a first attempt; those who later
gain a history of repetition have a significantly higher probability of
eventual completion of suicide.
In the United state,
individual who express the intent to harm themselves may be automatically to
lack the present mental capacity to refuse treatment, and can be transported to
the emergency department against their will.
And emergency physician will determine whether in patient care at a
mental care facility is warranted. This is sometimes referred to as being
“committed “. A court hearing may be held to determine the individual‘s
competence. In most states, a psychiatrist may hold the person for specific
time without a judicial order. If the psychiatrist decides that this particular
person can be a threat to himself or others, the person may be admitted
involuntarily to a psychiatric treatment facility. This period is usually for
three days duration. After this time the person must be discharged or appear in
front of a judge. As in any judicial proceeding this person has a right to
legal counsel. Switzerland has recently taken steps to legalize assisted for
the chronically ill. The high court in Lausanne, in a 2006 ruling, granted an
anonymous individual with long standing psychiatric difficulties the right to
end his known life. At least one leading American bioethicist, Jacob Appel to
Brown University, has argued that the American medical community ought to
condone suicide in certain individuals with mental illness.
and assisted suicide: Individual
who wish to end their own lives may enlist the assistant of another person to
achieve death. The other person, usually family member or a physician, may help
carry out the act if the individual lacks the physical capacity to do so even
with the supplied means. Assisted suicide is continuous moral and political
issue in many countries, as seen in scandal surrounding Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a
medical practitioner who supported euthanasia, was found to have helped patient
and their own life and was sentence to prison time.
suicide: A
murder suicide is an act in which an individual kills one or more other person
immediately before or at the same time as him or herself. The motivation for
the murder in murder-suicide can be purely criminal in nature or be perceived
by the perpetrator as an act of care for loved one in the contacts of severe.
attack: It
mean when an attacker perpetrates an act of violence against other, typically
to achieve a military or political goal that result in his or her own death as
well. Suicide bombing are often regarding as an act of terrorism.
Some suicide is done under peer pressure or as a group. Mass suicide can take
place with as few as two people, in a “suicide pact”, or with a large number of
people. Suicide pact: A suicide pact
describe the suicide of two or more individual in an agreed upon plan. The plan
may be to die together, or separately and closely timed. Suicide pact is
generally distinct from mass suicide. The letter to incidence in which a large
number of people kill themselves together for the same ideological reason,
often within a religious, political, military or paramilitary context. Suicide
pacts, on the other hand, usually involve some groups of people (such as
married or romantic partner, family members, or friends) whose motivation are
intensely personal and individual.
There are certain other terms to be
mention regarding suicide before discussion:-
Attempt: This involves a serious act, such as taking
a fatal amount of medication and someone intervening accidentally. Without the
accidental discovery the individual would be dead.
Self–harm: Suicide harm is not a
suicide attempt because there is non-casual correlation between self harm and
suicide; both are most commonly a joint effect of depression.
gesture: this denotes a person undertaking and
unusual, but not fatal, behavior as a cry for help or to get attention.
equivalent: in this situation the person does not
attempt suicide. Instead, he or she uses behavior to get some of the reactions
their suicide would have caused. For example, an adolescent boy runs away from
home. He wants to see how his parents respond. Do they care? Are they sorry for
the way that they have been treating him? It can be seen as an indirect cry for
A number of factors
associated with the risk of suicide including mental illness, drug addiction,
and socio economic factors. While external circumstances, such as traumatic
event, may trigger suicide it does not seem to be an independent cause.
illness or psychotic disorders:
Mental disorders are frequently present at the
time of suicide with estimate from 78% to 98%. When broken down in to type mode
disorder or present in 30% in substance abuse in 80% schizophrenia in 14% and
personality disorder in 13.0% of suicide. About 5% of people with schizophrenia
die of suicide.
disorder (OCD) and phobic disorder have symptoms that make
suicide a possibility.
Posttraumatic stress
disorder: Survivor
of trauma, whether it is childhood sexual abuse or a recent physical
devastation, struggle with flashbacks and nightmares. They frequently alternate
between periods of hyper-vigilance and periods numbing. Veterans of Iraq and
Afghanistan experience a high rate of PTSD and have a historically high rate of
suicide. They have feeling of being damaged and feeling of guilt. As a result,
they have a high rate of suicide.
Delirium and dementia; Delirium
and dementia involve loss of memory, disorientation, and hallucinations,
delusions and poor judgment. These conditions often lead to self-destructive
It is the second most
risk factor for suicide after mood disorders. Both chronic substance misuse as
well as acute substance is associated with suicide. More than 50% of suicides
are related to alcohol a drug use. Up to 25% of suicides are committed by drug
addicts and alcoholics. In adolescents the figure is higher with alcohol or
drug misuse playing a role in up to 70% of suicides.
Substances contribute
to self-destructive behavior in all 3 phases of their usage intoxication,
withdrawal and chronic usage. A depressed person commonly becomes acutely
suicidal after a few drinks. Similarly, some people can become suicidal after
ingesting lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Others encounter a depression
during substance withdrawal and respond with killing themselves. A person with
chronic alcohol and drug use often experience a number of major losses, such as
a job, spouse, and family and these in turn contribute to becoming suicidal.
Even those in drug recovery programs remain at risk. For example, persons in opiate
dependency programs, especially those with chronic pain, those with the
availability of firearms, those using other street drugs and those new to the
program are at particular risk. Disposition from emergency department visits
for drug-related suicide attempts, 2004 (national estimates). Data from Drug
Abuse Warning Network. Women with substance use disorders have an increased
risk for suicide.
Misuse of drugs such
as cocaine has a high correlation with suicide in San Digo it was found that 30%
of suicides in people under the age of 30 had used cocaine. In New York City
during a crack epidemic one in 5 people who committed suicide were found to
have recently consumed cocaine. The come down from cocaine can result in
intense depressive symptoms coupled with other distressing mental effects with
serve to increase the risk of suicide.
Heroines user have a death rate 13 times that of their peers and death among
heroin user are 14 times more likely then peers to die from suicides. Major depressive
disorder was found in 20% of entrant to treatment for heroin dependence in
Alcohol misuse is
associated with number of mental health disorder and alcoholics have a very
high suicide rate. It has been found that drinking 6 drinks are more per day
results in a six fold increased risk of suicide.
There have been various studies done showing a
positive link between smoking, suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in a
study conductive among nurses, those smoking between 1-24 cigarette per day had
twice the suicide risk; 25 cigarette are more, four time the suicide risk, then
those who has never smoke. In a study of 300,000 male us army soldiers, a
definitive link between suicide and smoking was observed with those smoking
over a pack a day having twice the suicide rate of non smoker.
Genetics has an
effect on suicide risk accounting for 30% to 50% of variance. Some authorities
believe that genetic factors alone may be involved, that suicide runs in
families and that having a relative who commits suicide is indeed a risk
factor. Therefore, a family history of suicide is very significant. Careful
assessments of family history of mental illness and suicide should be a routine
aspect of patient evaluation. Studies continue to show the gene connection in
suicidal behavior. Genes related to serotonin have be implicated in histories
of second suicide attempt. Certainly, many of the above listed mental illnesses
(e.g. manic-depressive illness) are not only risk factors, but also have strong
genetic components.
Gambling is often associated with increase
suicidal ideation and attempts compared to the general population. Early onset
of problem gambling increases the life time risk of suicide. However, gambling
related suicide attempts are usually made by older people with problem
gambling. A 2010 Australian Hospital study found that 17 of suicidal patient
admitted to Alfred Hospital’s emergency department were problem gambler.
Genetics has an
effect on suicide risk accounting for 30% to 50% of variance. Much of this
relationship acts through the heritability of mental illness. There is also
evidence to suggest that if a parent has committed suicide, it is strong
predictor of suicide attempts among the offspring.
as an escape:
According to people
in some situation where continuing to live is intolerable, some people use
suicide as a mean of escape such as Nazi concentration camps are known to have
killed themselves by deliberately touching the electrified fences. Some people commit suicide after committing a
crime to avoided prosecution and disgrace such as in murder-suicide. Nazi
leader Hermann Goring, a high ranked Nazi and head of Luftwaffe, committed
suicide with cyanide capsule rather than be hanged after his conviction at the
Nuremberg Trials.
suicide risk factor:
There are some other
factors that have effects on suicide risk such as unemployment, poverty,
homelessness, social economics, factors and discrimination made trigger
suicidal thoughts. Poverty may not be a direct cause but it can increase the
risk of suicide, as it is major risk group for depression. One study found that
a lack of social support, a deficit in feeling of belongingness and living
alone were crucial predictors of a suicide attempt.
Individuals who are suicidal have a
number of characteristics, including the following:
A preoccupation with death.
A sense isolation and withdrawal.
Few friends or family
An emotional distance from other.
An emotional distance from other.
Distraction and lack of humor: They often
seem to be “in their own world” and lack a sense of humor (anhedoni).
Focus on the past: They dwell in past losses
and defeats and anticipate no future. They voice the notion that other and the
world would be better of without them.
They are haunted and dominated by
hopelessness and helplessness. They are without hope and therefore cannot
foresee things ever improving. This is a terrible feeling. They also view
themselves as helpless in 2 ways. First, they cannot help themselves. All their
efforts to liberate themselves from the sea of depression in which they are
drowning are to no avail. Second, no one else can help them.
Suicide method are
dramatically varies from country to country, district to district and community
to community. The leading methods in different region include hanging fire arm,
bloodletting, intentional drowning, self immolation, electrocution, intentional
starvation, blunt force (jumping from a building or bridge, self defenestration, stepping in front of a train or car collision) and the most
common in district Mianwali is pesticide poisoning.
Suicidal prevention
is term use for the collective efforts of one group from community to eliminate
suicidal death. Such as first exclusive professional research centre was
established in 1958 in LOS angles. The first rises hot line service in the US
run by selected, trained citizen volunteer was established in 1961 in San
of psychiatrist:
Psychiatrist and a
clinician have got the major role in prevention of rising ratio of suicide. It
is the duty of the family and community to take all those to seek clinical
advice from a psychiatrist whom they feel have any kind of suicidal ideation.
Clinical sessions to psychiatrists are the key to the betterment of these
patients. During these regular sessions a clinician can assess the changing
behavior of the patient so e can either admit the patient or can alarm the
family member to keep an eye on patient’s day to day routine as the
psychiatrist can evaluate the rising urge of suicide in the patient’ even if he
himself is not accepting it publically. Drug users should be consulted to
psychiatrist as a rule or should be admitted to rehabilitation center. A
suicide at-tempter should also be consulted to a psychiatrist to avoid future
successful attempt. Even during treatment if patient commit suicide,
psychiatrist should visit his house and should collect data and details of his
activities and behavior just before suicide. This all will help the psychiatrist
to reschedule the plans for rest of his patients and this effort will benefit
other patients.
to be continue
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