Thursday, 29 October 2015


            .We, as Pakistani, not aware from the personal and our own babies rights while it first and basic right of the toddler that has three years breast feeding from mother or someone else which is not possible without couple’s awareness and their mutual understanding. Due to over population of family and country it becomes more difficult to deliver the rights of its individual and nation. No doubt parents and even sardar or king tries to successfully pass on the rights of their dependents but unawareness, incapability, natural and habitual factors sometime delay or mostly kill the their rights.

Figure 2 try to conduct an evacuation drill a government school but nothing is there

We don’t have exact figures but we can say most of the administration, staff and students from the educational institutions in rural areas or all small districts of Pakistan are not aware with the concept of Evacuation and Lock Down. It is unbelievable that neither they have conducted evacuation drill in their school nor they have developed any evacuation plan of the building or have marked any exit signs. Same condition can be observed in the different communities of the Pakistan the whole communities do not know what they should have to before and after these disasters.
After the earthquake of 26th October 2015, Punjab Emergency Service Rescue 1122 again has started to knock the doors of above said Institutions but once again disappointed, sadness have met in reward. Even the science teachers and physical instructor were found unaware from mouth to mouth breath and cardio pulmonary resuscitation, after student had fall from the stairs and had been delivering no response to teacher and his class fellow. 

Anyway we will discuss about the Evacuation and Lock Down in case natural or natural emergency and disaster. we had visited a official boys high school where Physically training instructor had tried his best to show a satisfactory compliance of the orders of worthy district coordination for Security Audit of educational institutions but he remained badly fail. We observed that he did not know anything about the evacuation and lock down, he known just left right marched whiles 02 months ago we had delivered each and every thing related to above said drills but he had got nothing. We somehow call in few students with the help of physical instructor from one class and try to discuss what we want to do in your institution? We have demonstrated if someone got head injuries that how will you dress and try to control his bleeding. They were very naughty but very brilliant they get in very soon. 

Security Alarm System
Absence of security alarm system not only in educational institution but most of the official and non official department are also still not accepting its importance and are continuously ignoring its installation. While Pakistan is fighting war against terrorism, extremism, seasonal natural disaster such as earthquakes, flood, some rational like blind firing, blasting and deviator of girls education system.
From 500 educational institutions, we had not found a single one that has above said alarm while when we had visited class bell, whistle and drum had completed the formalities for evacuation and Lock Down drill.

Ban on Assembly of Students; After observing inhuman terrorists attack in Army Public School Peshawar Government has banned the morning assembly and all types of assembling for noble or public cause while assembling and specification of assembly area is the second most important aspect after the installation of security alarm system in an evacuation plan. Most of the students and their teachers found unaware from assembly area and basic life support in case of fall from heat and how control the severe bleeding.

Same condition is there in our social life, in domestic life member of family are not aware from safety measures when earth quack start hitting.
Lock Down: Purpose of Lock present at the backside of class room door was the question that had shocked the participant of meeting near about 300 teachers during same. Pin drop silence was there in the whole hall, everyone was looking left and right with tinny shy on their faces.
After horrible incident of Peshawar, Government of Pakistan had announced to conduct evacuation drill in all academic centers while it is bitter truth during blasting, suicide attack and blind fire evacuation from any room can increases the loss of human death instead of its decreasing. Deaths and destructions are no doubt natural but human are involved, their negligence, misdeed and black deeds brings and call the wrath of Allah.
Fire extinguisher
Absence of fire extinguisher in school, homes and shops can be seen by every individual of Pakistan most of the senior member of parliaments are very well aware from its importance but they are showing blindness .if you like to visit fuel refilling stations/pumps you definitely found expired fire extinguisher and empty sand buckets with untrained staff. Believe me Hospitals, shops, fuel agencies, Islamic center, churches and even the commercial banks still have not installed any fire safety equipments. In all above mentioned places we can see single exit rout or very well decorated door for in and out of the peoples while every building map is first dually approve by the district and Tehsil administration but in vain. 
Hydrant system
Observe our Mismanagement, Most cities of the country has narrow Street, congested population and very rough road but neither we have thought nor concern official have asked from us that who does has approved your map of house and town .Believe me, fire vehicles can not reached on the location in case of fire, ambulance cannot approach in case of heart attack, DCO, DPO AND EVEN AC of the concern Tehsil cannot drive in case of bomb blast. It is end of 2015 but we are still not ready to work, act and serve after specified planning.
Everything, rule and law are present in books and courts but implementing agencies have died with the birth of Pakistan .official, spent most of their time in reading newspaper, taking tea, smoking cigarette and chatting on phone, whatsup and facebook instead of visit their field they cannot leave air-condition room and their secretaries.
Myself is stupid person but I knows that every 30 feet high building should have separate stare for emergency, installing of fire safety equipments, installation of hydrant sytem, 20 feet width of the road is necessary but no one is there to ask why do LDA( local development authority ) is  not implementing these rules from the construction companies. There are so many other aspects that are not being followed in most part of the country while one is necessary to mention here that there are private schools which are educating hundred of the children in total occupying area for building is 5, 10, 20, and maximum 200 Marhala. What the hell is this? What will they do if fire, earthquake hit the earea where thousand of the 5 Marhala School are present with hundreds of strength is studying.
Take eye view of Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta and please thing about its very congested population and image what will happen in case of emergency? Administration starts from here if you can think, plan and implement your ideas in country you are the leader otherwise no words for you.   

You personally have to Think, plan and implement you ideas for the best interest of you nation otherwise you will kill yourself and the whole nation in hot water just like the above frog who remains in thinking while water become too hot and he could not jump out. 

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